Arnd Buss–von Kuk, 4, Quatuor Ebène

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Arnd Buss–von Kuk | director of photography





Born in Kiel, 1964. Documentary filmmaking graduate of the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF/M). Freelance film editor, cinematographer and director with various production companies since 1987. Joined gate.11 in 2006. Lives in Munich.



Filmography | Cinematography


4, Kutschinski, 2015

Input/Output, Kraus / Lindl, 2005

Sortie de l´ombre, Kraus / Schneider, 1999, Arte

Global Player, Kraus / Schneider, 1999, Arte

Unfall auf Asphalt, Schwarz, 1998

VAGA/BUND, Buss-von Kuk, 1995

Concert For Millions, Kutschinski, 1993

Die Erzählung vom Truthahn, Kutschinski, 1992

Fiascos, Buss-von Kuk, 1989, WDR

Hallig, Wilfert / Buss-von Kuk, 1987 BR/NDR